University of London 預科Foundation

University of London共有17所大學,它們都統整了大學預備班Foundation課程及入學要求,讓同學有不同入讀選擇。 

這17所University of London當中,King’s College London (KCL)、UCL (University College London)、LSE(London School of Economics)自己沒有大學預備班Foundation或它们大學裡面的大學預備班Foundation不開放給所有國際生,同學要用考DSE、A levelIB考上去。 本文主要介紹University of London及其Foundation可以銜接哪些University of London的大學的什麼主修?如果同學透過DSE或IB考上這些University of London的大學主修要求分數又是什麼? 


University of London Foundation延伸閱讀


到底您的分數應該考完DSE、IB考University of London還是去University of London Foundation? 歡迎向萬威教育(Maxway Education)查詢


1. University of London的17所大

  1. Birkbeck, University of London*
  2. City, University of London
  3. Courtauld Institute of Art
  4. Goldsmiths, University of London
  5. King’s College London*
  6. London Business School
  7. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
  8. Queen Mary University of London*
  9. Royal Academy of Music
  10. Royal Holloway, University of London
  11. SOAS University of London*
  12. St George’s, University of London
  13. The London School of Economics and Political Science*
  14. The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
  15. The Royal Veterinary College
  16. UCL*
  17. University of London Institute in Paris

*稱為law consortium,負責為University of London的法學院課程提供方向性指導。完成University of London Foundation也可以考上law consortium的University of London。有4所law consortium的University of London (LSE, UCL, Kings, Queen Mary) 都屬於Top 10英國法律大學。 


2. University of London Foundation考上哪些King’s College London (KCL)UCL (University College London)、LSELondon School of Economics)主修?

King’s College London (KCL)和University College London(UCL)的Foundation只收某些教育體制的同學,香港學生不能直接入讀KCL或UCL Foundation,只能透過University of London Foundation或用DSE、A levelIB成績考。 London School of Economic(LSE)沒有大學預備班Foundation。 


以下King’s College London (KCL)、London School of Economic(LSE)主修可以透過University of London Foundation考上去。

晉升大學 課程 DSE


LSE Accounting and Finance 555 38 High Level 666
LSE Economics 5*55 38 High Level 766
LSE Economics and Politics 555 38 High Level 766
Laws Consortium Laws / overall grade of 5-7
LSE Mathematics and Economics 5*55 38 High Level 766
LSE Politics and International Relations 555 38 High Level 766
KCL* Psychology 5*55 35 High Level 766
LSE Finance 5*55

38 High Level 766

7 in Math

LSE International Relations 555

38 High Level 766

LSE Management 555 38 High Level 766

*KCL Psychology DSE要求Bio/Chem或Math/Psychology


到底您的分數應該考完DSE、IB考University of London還是去University of London Foundation? 歡迎向萬威教育(Maxway Education)查詢






