

4大英國大學排名: QSComplete University GuideTimesGuardian標準是什麼?如何更有效用英國大學排名?歡迎聯絡萬威Maxway關於英國大學



4大英國大學排名:QSTimes、Guardian、Complete University Guide,常用5大指標如下:

  1. 畢業生15個月內有否就業或繼續學業:比起其他指標,此為客觀、貼地指標,但只有Guardian用此指標,佔其排名榜15%。
  2. 國際化指數:這旨在量度院校的國外教授、國際學生及科研出版含國外教職員比例。此指數於QSTimes排名佔比分別為7.5%及10%
  3. 科研成果:科研收入、科研產量、科研被引用次數,此指數於Times佔42%;QS佔20%,Complete University Guide 佔15%
  4. 教學效率:這旨在教學收入、學位頒贈、學生能按時畢業及First Honour畢業生比例,此指數於Guardian佔35%, Times佔4.5, QS佔10%, Complete University Guide 佔3.3%
  5. 主觀投票:僱主、教職員同學生對院校知名度、滿意度同進行主觀性投票,此指數於QS佔 50%,Times佔 33% , Guardian佔25%, Complete University Guide佔 21.7%。萬威建議主觀投票佔比越少。排名比較合用,因為主觀投票水分高。







  • 世界大學排名:QS排名及Times大學排名標準
  • 當您發現4大英國大學排名水分高,而且結果不吻合,不如直接劍指Russell Group大學,這24間英國大學,無論在研究經費、畢業生就業率及畢業5年後人工都遠遠跑贏一般英國大學。
  • 我們也為您做了一條片:英國大學投資回報,把不同英國大學畢業生年薪及學費對比,邊間英國大學性價比最高?


2025 QS 英國大學排名


#2 Imperial College London

#3 University of Oxford

#5 University of Cambridge

#9 University College London UCL

#27 The University of Edinburgh

#34 The University of Manchester

#40 King's College London

#50 The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

#54 University of Bristol

#69 The University of Warwick

#78 University of Glasgow

#80 University of Birmingham

#80 University of Southampton

#82 University of Leeds

#89 Durham University

#104 University of St Andrews

#105 The University of Sheffield

#108 University of Nottingham

#120 Queen Mary University of London

#129 Newcastle University

#141 Lancaster University

#150 University of Bath

#165 University of Liverpool

#169 University of Exeter

#172 University of Reading

#184 University of York

#186 Cardiff University

#206 Queen's University Belfast

#224 Loughborough University

#236 University of Aberdeen

#246 University of Sussex

#256 Heriot-Watt University

#281 University of Strathclyde

#285 University of Leicester

#285 University of Surrey

#298 Swansea University

#332 University of East Anglia

#342 Brunel University London

#352 City, University of London

#380 University of Kent

#408 Birkbeck, University of London

#416 Oxford Brookes University

#418 University of Dundee

#423 Aston University

#452 University of Stirling

#472 University of Essex

#474 Bangor University

#477 Royal Holloway, University of London

#501 University of Huddersfield

#508 SOAS, University of London

#516 University of Hull

#531 Coventry University

#531 University of Bradford

#535 Northumbria University of Newcastle

#559 Ulster University

#592 Nottingham Trent University

#601-610 Kingston University London

#601-610 Manchester Metropolitan University

#631-640 University of Portsmouth

#661-670 Aberystwyth University

#661-670 University of Plymouth

#681-690 Goldsmith, University of London

#691-700 University of Greenwich

#711-720 De Montfort University

#721-730 Middlesex University

#741-750 University of Westminster

#741-750 University of the West of England

#771-780 Bournemouth University

#791-800 Keele University

#801-850 Edinburgh Napier University

#801-850 Liverpool John Moores University

#801-850 London South Bank University

#801-850 University of Brighton

#851-900 University of Hertfordshire

#851-900 University of Lincoln

#901-950 Robert Gordon University

#901-950 University of East London

#901-950 University of Salford

#951-1000 Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh

#951-1000 University of Central Lancashire

#1001-1200 Birmingham City University

#1001-1200 Canterbury Christ Church University

#1001-1200 Glasgow Caledonian University

#1001-1200 Leeds Beckett University

#1001-1200 London Metropolitan University

#1001-1200 Sheffield Hallam University

#1001-1200 University of Northampton

#1001-1200 University of Derby

#1001-1200 University of Wolverhampton

#1201-1400 Harper Adams University

2025 Times 英國大學排名


#1 University of Oxford

#5 University of Cambridge

#9 Imperial College London

=22 University College London UCL

#29 University of Edinburgh

=36 King’s College London

=50 London School of Economics and Political Science

=53 University of Manchester

#78 University of Bristol

=87 University of Glasgow

=93 University of Birmingham

=98 University of Sheffield

#106 University of Warwick

#115 University of Southampton

#123 University of Leeds

=136 University of Nottingham

=141 Queen Mary University of London

=146 University of York

=157 Newcastle University

=160 University of Liverpool

=168 Lancaster University

=172 Durham University

=172 University of Exeter

=185 University of St Andrews

=191 University of Leicester



2025 Guardian 英國大學排名


#1 University of Oxford

#2 University of St Andrews

#3 University of Cambridge

#4 London School of Economics and Political Science

#5 Imperial College London

#6 Durham University

#7 University of Bath

#8 University of Warwick

#9 University College London UCL

#10 Loughborough University

#11 Lancaster University

#12 University of Aberdeen

#13 University of the Arts London

#14 University of Glasgow

#15 University of Edinburgh

#16 University of Bristol

#17 University of Strathclyde

#18 University of Exeter

#19 University of Surrey

#20 University of Sheffield

#21 Aston University, Birmingham

#22 University of Southampton

#23 University of Essex

#24 Ulster University

#25 University of York

#26 University of Chichester

#27 University of Liverpool

#28 King's College London

#29 Swansea University

#30 University of West London



2025 Complete University Guide 英國大學排名


#1 University of Cambridge

#2 University of Oxford

#3 London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London

#4 University of St Andrews

#5 Imperial College London

#6 Loughborough University

#7 Durham University

#8 University of Bath

#9 University College London UCL

#10 University of Warwick

#10 Lancaster University

#12 University of Surrey

#13 University of Birmingham

#14 University of Exeter

#15 The University of Edinburgh

#16 University of Bristol

#17 University of York

#18 University of Sheffield

#19 University of Liverpool

#20 University of Southampton

#21 University of East Anglia UEA

#22 University of Manchester

#23 University of Leeds

#24 King's College London, University of London

#25 Queen's University Belfast

#26 Newcastle University

#27 Cardiff University

#28 University of Glasgow

#29 University of the Arts London

#30 University of Nottingham

#30 University of Essex

#32 University of Strathclyde

#33 Harper Adams University

#34 Northumbria University, Newcastle

#35 University of Reading

#36 University of Leicester

#37 Swansea University

#38 Royal Holloway, University of London

#39 Aston University, Birmingham

#39 City, University of London

#41 University of Aberdeen

#42 Ulster University

#42 Aberystwyth University

#42 Heriot-Watt University

#45 Nottingham Trent University

#46 Oxford Brookes University

#47 University of Sussex

#48 University of Lincoln

#49 University of Portsmouth

#50 Queen Mary University of London

#51 University of Dundee

#52 University of Kent

#53 University of Stirling

#54 Edge Hill University

#55 Bournemouth University

#56 University of Chester

#56 Manchester Metropolitan University

#58 University of Suffolk

#58 University of West London

#60 Goldsmiths, University of London

#61 Keele University

#62 Cardiff Metropolitan University

#63 Sheffield Hallam University

#64 Falmouth University

#65 University of Plymouth

#65 University of Huddersfield

#67 Coventry University

#68 Bangor University

#69 St George's, University of London

#70 University of Brighton

#71 SOAS University of London

#72 St Mary's University, Twickenham

#73 University of Hull

#73 University of Salford

#75 Bristol, University of the West of England

#75 Glasgow Caledonian University

#75 Leeds Beckett University

#75 University of Sunderland

#79 University of Chichester

#79 Brunel University London

#81 Liverpool John Moores University

#82 Norwich University of the Arts

#83 Liverpool Hope University

#84 University of Hertfordshire

#85 University for the Creative Arts

#86 Edinburgh Napier University

#87 University of Central Lancashire

#88 University of Worcester

#88 University of Gloucestershire

#88 Kingston University

#91 Robert Gordon University

#92 Birmingham City University

#93 University of Roehampton

#93 Arts University Bournemouth

#95 University of Derby

#95 University of South Wales
