Alberta AB 發牌機構




Chartered Professional Accountants Regulation


College and Association of Acupuncturists of Alberta

Agricultural equipment technician

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Agricultural Equipment Technician Trade Regulation

Agrology Technologist

Alberta Institute of Agrologists (AIA)


Alberta Institute of Agrologists (AIA)

Animal Health Technologist

Alberta Veterinary Medical Association (ABVMA)

Appliance Service Technician

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Appliance Service Technician Trade Regulation

Asbestos worker

Occupational Health and Safety Code


Alberta Association of Architects (AAA)


Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (ACSLPA)


Government of Alberta

Audiometric Technician

Occupational Health and Safety Code

Automotive Service Technician

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Automotive Service Technician Trade Regulation

Auto Body Technician

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Auto Body Technician Trade Regulation


Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Baker Trade Regulation

Barber and Hairstylist

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Hairstylist Trade Regulation


Alberta Society of Professional Biologists (ASPB)


Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Boilermaker Trade Regulation


Blaster permit


Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Bricklayer Trade Regulation


Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Cabinetmaker Trade Regulation


Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Carpenter Trade Regulation

Cathodic Protection Technician

In Alberta, government-legislated certification is available for Cathodic Protection Technicians.

Certified Engineering Technologist

Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta (ASET)


Association of the Chemical Profession of Alberta (ACPA)

Certified Technician

Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta (ASET)


Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors

Combined Laboratory and X-Ray Technologist

Alberta College of Combined Laboratory and X-Ray Technologists (ACCLXT)

Communications Technician

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Communication Technician Trade Regulation

Concrete Finisher

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Concrete Finisher Trade Regulation

Construction craft worker

In Alberta, optional government-legislated certification is available for construction craft workers.

Community planner

Alberta Professional Planners Institute (APPI)


Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Cook Trade Regulation

Court or Shorthand Reporter

Alberta Shorthand Reporters Association (ASRA)

Crane and Hoisting Equipment Operator

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Crane and Hoisting Equipment Operator Trade Regulation

Dental assistant

College of Alberta Dental Assistants (CADA)

Dental hygienist

College of Registered Dental Hygienists of Alberta

Dental Technologist and Technician

College of Dental Technologists of Alberta (CDTA)


Health Professions Act
Denturists Profession Regulation


Alberta Dental Association and College

Dietitian/Registered Nutritionist

Health Professions Act
Registered Dietitians and Registered Nutritionists Profession Regulation

Driving examiner

Alberta Transportation

Driving instructor

Government of Alberta

Early Childhood Educator

Child Care Licensing Act
Child Care Licensing Regulation

Electric Motor Systems Technician

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Electric Motor Systems Technician Trade Regulation

Electrical Contractor / Master Electrician

Master Electrician is a

Safety Codes Council


Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Electrician Trade Regulation

Electroneurophysiology Technologist

Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists

Elevator Constructor

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Elevator Constructor Trade Regulation


Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA)

Emergency Medical Personnel

Alberta College of Paramedics

Field Heat Treatment Technician

In Alberta, government-legislated certification is available for field heat treatment technicians.

Floorcovering Installer

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Floorcovering Installer Trade Regulation

Forest Technologist

College of Alberta Professional Forest Technologists (CAPFT)


College of Alberta Professional Foresters (CAPF)

Funeral Service Occupations

Alberta Funeral Services Regulatory Board (AFSRB)

Gas Utility Operator

In Alberta, government-legislated certification is available for gas utility operators.


Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Gasfitter Trade Regulation


Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA)


Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Glazier Trade Regulation

Hearing Aid Practitioner

College of Hearing Aid Practitioners of Alberta (CHAPA)

Heavy Equipment Technician

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Heavy Equipment Technician Trade Regulation

House inspector

Service Alberta

Human Ecologist/Home Economist

Alberta Human Ecology and Home Economics Association (AHEA)

Hunting Guide and Outfitter-Guide

Alberta Professional Outfitters Society (APOS)

Horse Racing Occupations

Horse Racing Alberta

Industrial Construction Crew Supervisor

In Alberta, government-legislated certification is available for industrial construction crew supervisors.

Industrial Mechanic (Millwright)

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Industrial mechanic (Millwright) Trade Regulation

Information Systems Professional

Canadian Information Processing Society of Alberta (CIPS Alberta)

Instrumentation and Control Technician

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Instrumentation and Control Technician Trade Regulation

Insulator (Heat and Frost)

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Insulator (Heat and Frost) Trade Regulation

Insurance adjuster

Alberta Insurance Council (AIC)

interior designer

Alberta Association of Architects (AAA)

Insurance agent

Alberta Insurance Council (AIC)


Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Ironworker Trade Regulation

Land Agent

Land Agents Licensing Act
Land Agents Licensing Regulation

Land surveyor

Alberta Land Surveyors' Association (ALSA)

Landscape Horticulturist

Alberta Association of Landscape Architects (AALA)

Landscape Architect

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Landscape Horticulturist Trade Regulation

Lather (Interior Systems Mechanic)

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Lather (Interior Systems Mechanic) Trade Regulation


Law Society of Alberta (LSA)

Local government manager

Society of Local Government Managers (SLGM)


Government of Alberta


Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Machinist Trade Regulation

Management consultant

Institute of Certified Management Consultants of Alberta (ICMCA)

Medical Laboratory Technologist

College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Alberta (CMLTA)

Medical radiology

Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists (ACMDTT)

Medical Radiation Technologist

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Metal Fabricator (Fitter) Trade Regulation


Health Disciplines Act
Midwifery Regulation

Municipal assessor

Alberta Assessors' Association (AAA)

Mortgage broker

Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA)

Motorcycle mechanic

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Motorcycle Mechanic Trade Regulation

Natural gas compression technician

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Natural Gas Compression Technician Trade Regulation

Naturopathic doctor

Health Professions Act
Naturopaths Profession Regulation

Nurse - Licensed Practical

College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta (CLPNA)

Nurse Practitioner

College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CARNA)

Nurse - Psychiatric

College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Alberta


College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CARNA)

Occupational therapist

Alberta College of Occupational Therapists (ACOT)

Oil and Gas Transportation Swampers and Operators

In Alberta, government-legislated certification is available for oil and gas transportation swampers and operators.


Alberta College and Association of Opticians (ACAO)

Outdoor Power Equipment Technician

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Outdoor Power Equipment Technician Trade Regulation


Alberta College of Optometrists (ACO)

Overhead Door Technician

In Alberta, government-legislated certification is available for overhead door technicians.

Painter and Decorator

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Painter and Decorator Trade Regulation

Parts Technician

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Parts Technician Trade Regulation

Pesticide Applicator and Dispenser

Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act
Pesticide (Ministerial) Regulation


Alberta College of Pharmacists (ACP)

Pharmacy Technician

Alberta College of Pharmacists (ACP)

Physician, surgeon and osteopath

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA)

Physiotherapist or Physical Therapist

Physiotherapy Alberta - College + Association


Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Plumber Trade Regulation

Podiatric Physician

College of Podiatric Physicians of Alberta (CPPA)

Power system electrician

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Power System Electrician Trade Regulation

Power Engineer

Alberta Boilers Safety Association (ABSA)

Powerline Technician

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Powerline Technician Trade Regulation

Pressure Welder

Safety Codes Act
Pressure Welder Regulation

Private Investigator

Alberta Justice and Solicitor General

Private sewage system installer

Alberta Municipal Affairs (AMA)

Professional Licensee (Engineering or Geoscience)

Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA)

Professional Technologist (Engineering or Geoscience)

Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta (ASET)


College of Alberta Psychologists (CAP)

Pulmonary Function Technician

Occupational Health and Safety Code

Real Estate Associate or Broker

Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA)

Recreation Vehicle Service Technician

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Recreation Vehicle Service Technician Trade Regulation

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic Trade Regulation

Residential Construction Site Manager

In Alberta, government-legislated certification is available for residential construction site managers.

Respiratory therapist

College and Association of Respiratory Therapists of Alberta (CARTA)


Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Roofer Trade Regulation

Safety Codes Officer

Safety Codes Council

School Business Official

Association of School Business Officials of Alberta (ASBOA)

Security Guard

Alberta Justice and Solicitor General

Snubbing Services Operators and Supervisors

In Alberta, government-legislated certification is available for snubbing services operators and supervisors.

Sheet Metal Worker

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Sheet Metal Worker Trade Regulation

Slickline Operator

In Alberta, optional government-legislated certification is available for slickline operators.

Speech-Language Pathologist

Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (ACSLPA)

Sprinkler System Installer

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Sprinkler System Installer Trade Regulation

Social worker

Alberta College of Social Workers (ACSW)

Steel Detailer

In Alberta, government-legislated certification is available for steel detailers.

Supply Chain Management Professional

Professional and Occupational Associations Registration Act
Supply Chain Management Association Alberta Regulation


Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Steamfitter-Pipefitter Trade Regulation


Government of Alberta

Timber Scaler

Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development

Transport Refrigeration Technician

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Transport Refrigeration Technician Trade Regulation

Underground Coal Mine Supervisors

Government of Alberta

Vehicle Inspection Technician

Government of Alberta


Alberta Veterinary Medical Association (ABVMA)

Waste Facility Operator

Alberta Environment and Parks

Water and Wastewater Operator

Alberta Environment and Parks

Water Well Driller

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act
Water Well Driller Trade Regulation


Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training

Well Testing Services Supervisor

In Alberta, government-legislated certification is available for well testing services supervisors.

Workplace First Aider

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code


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