The UK has the highest proportion of top 100 IB secondary schools in the world. For more information about IB score levels and admission details, feel free to contact Maxway Education.
World Top 100 IB Schools
There are 3,400 IB schools worldwide, with an average score of 33 out of 45 points. In the UK, there are 41 IB boarding schools, and over half are ranked among the top 100 globally. The UK boasts the largest number of top 100 IB schools, followed closely by those in Hong Kong. We have compiled a list of the top 100 IB schools in Hong Kong and UK to help you compare and assess the level of the British IB school you are considering for application.
There are 3,400 IB schools around the world, with an average score of 30.32 (out of 45). Want to know what university you can get into with this average score ?
There are 35 IB boarding schools in the UK, and 50% of them are ranked in the top 100 in the world! Learn more about how to choose an IB school in the UK .
If you are still wondering about the requirements and score distribution of DSE, A level and IB courses, please visit:
The following British IB schools are among the world's top 100 in 2024 (ranked in order):
Other British IB school results
The following British IB schools share IB scores in other ways, such as: IB average scores in the past 5 years, IB scores in each subject, etc. Welcome to inquire
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