Where to Study University of London Foundation


4 types of UK Foundation institutions

The tuition fees of the four types of British Foundation schools are different, and the learning environment is suitable for students with different needs.

British University Foundation :

Sixth Form College :

  • Suitable for ages 16 and up
  • Suitable for students who need personalized services and independent living. Personalized services include: counselors guide and follow up students to choose universities and write admissions essays; independent living includes: the opportunity to arrange their own spare time.
  • Tuition fees compared to other schools: Most expensive

UK FE College :

  • Suitable for ages 16 and up
  • We have courses from Foundation to Year 2 and boarding school
  • Although there is no personalized service, there are tutors who are on-site to answer students' questions about choosing and applying to British universities on time.
  • Tuition fee compared to other colleges: the cheapest

British secondary schools :

  • The school arranges classes and extracurricular activities and reports to parents
  • Tuition fees compared to other schools: Most expensive



Related readings about University of London Foundation

  • UK Foundation : Requirements, types, tuition, application, price, ranking at a glance
  • UK university admission requirements : your secondary school elective subjects, scores and IELTS, do you need to study Foundation?
  • Liberal Arts career path : The subjects that can be studied at the University of London Foundation are majors that can be studied by liberal arts students. The video in the text will give you a good idea of ​​the career path of liberal arts students.
  • Godly subjects, no godly jobs : The subjects that can be studied at the University of London Foundation are among the top three godly subjects in Hong Kong or semi-godly subjects, so naturally, you are expected to have a godly job after completing the course! The facts may be different from what you think, so please understand and see if you need to consider further studies in the UK?
  • UK University Courses : Various UK University Courses, can help you find a course that meets the admission requirements, Foundation is just one of them
  • Tuition fees at UK universities : The University of London is one of the most expensive universities in the UK. Let’s take a look at the four factors that affect tuition fees at UK universities.
  • UK Universities : Welcome to the 10 most frequently asked questions about UK universities
  • UK University Rankings : Check out the University of London's university rankings and think about whether to consider its Foundation.
  • Russell Group :University of London has 17 universities, 3 of which are British universities in the Russell Group alliance. Russell Group graduates get 61% of jobs. You need to know their admissions practices below.


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