Types of U.S. High Schools

  • Public high schools: for 15-18 years old international students to attend for a year.

  • Private day schools: a wide range of good quality private day schools offering homestays to international students.

  • Private boarding schools: there are about 300 of these schools in the U.S., which is the most competitive to get in and require application before January 10.


Application Requirements & Timing

All U.S. high schools will require TOEFL, SLATE, SLEP or SSAT.

  • SLEP is the easiest and TOEFL is the most demanding English placement test. 

  • Score requirement will depend on applicant’s intended grade level and if the school has English tutorial. 

  • SLATE and SLEP are available at Maxway’s office.

  • Some elite private day schools / boarding schools will require SSAT test with at least a 65%. 

  • Students apply for U.S. high schools during F.2 for G9 intake will have the most options because that is when high school starts in the U.S.

  • Boarding schools will have January 10 deadline and admission decision will be released by March 10.


How to choose the right school

Public high schools are recognized by State governments as a Blue Ribbon school.

For private high schools, parents compare the demographics, offerings and SAT / ACT average score of graduates.


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[Inquiries on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays will generally be replied to the next working day.]