UK High School Ranking-A Level
UK secondary school rankings: A level results
The above link lists the ranking of UK boarding schools by A level results . Parents are welcome to contact Maxway Education to inquire about the composition of A level results of individual UK private schools . For example, some schools have requirements for students to take A level subjects, such as requiring students to take Facilitating Subjects A level .
- Facilitating Subjects allows you to choose from a variety of university majors. This flexibility gives students more time to understand themselves and have ideas about their future.
- Of course, there are different voices in society, believing that Facilitating Subjects such as Geography, History, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Math, English, Languages are misleading students, but they are the important A levels .
- Therefore, the media has rarely talked about Facilitating Subjects in recent years, but the fact is that the A-level electives required for different majors in British universities are all Facilitating Subjects!
- Some British boarding schools have a high proportion of A level AA*, but the A level subjects chosen by students may not necessarily be highly academic A level.
- Whether it is necessary to look at the composition of A -levels depends on what students want to major in university. For example, if you want to major in design, of course there is no need to look at how many students take Geography .