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It is usually 2 years in duration.
There is no standardized admission requirement and deadline as graduate admission decision is done by faculty.
Professional schools such as medicine, law, education, speech therapy, physical therapy, pharmacy, etc. are usually offered at graduate level.
GMAT exam for business major / GRE exam for other majors
English Proficiency Test (TOEFL/IELTS report)
College GPA>3.0
Personal Essay, CV/Resume and Reference Letters
GMAT is the business graduate school admission test in the North America.
Test components: writing, reasoning, verbal, quantitative.
Score range of GMAT is 200-800.
The GRE test has two types: the GRE General Test is mandatory for most graduate programs while the GRE Subject Test is only demanded by some graduate programs.
Test components: verbal, quantitative, writing
Full mark is 170.
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