UK University Courses


The entry threshold of the British courses is easy. Want to know how to immigrate to the UK after finishing your studies , what subjects are more "money-making" and how to choose courses based on your scores? Welcome to inquire with Maxway Education



Two Major Advantages of Studying in the UK

The admission requirements, and there are even different entry points to cater to students with different scores. Especially for students who want to study the three major disciplines or the five majors of Poly, the requirements of British universities are comparable to those of self-financing degrees in Hong Kong. The details are as follows.

It takes a short time to obtain a licensed professional degree, and the license is highly recognized worldwide . When choosing subjects at a British university, you can learn about the requirements of the three major subjects, the Poly five treasures, or the departments in Hong Kong that accept half the scores of the major subjects. British universities generally take three years to study, which is faster than universities in Hong Kong and Australia and New Zealand. By the way, you can study and immigrate to the UK and have the opportunity to practice in different cities.

Non-science majors can take a look at: there are many career options for liberal arts majors. It is easy to practice in Hong Kong with these licensed majors. The annual salary after graduation is enough to complete the study and immigration to the UK, and it takes less time than in Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand.

If you want to study semi-godly subjects in Hong Kong, but not all semi-godly subjects are available, after finishing your godly job, why not consider studying in a British university? Details: Godly Jobs, Non-godly Subjects



UK University Courses

  1. Master's degree in the UK :It takes 1 year, and the tuition, room and board are about HK$300,000. Please knowto studyfor a Master's degree?
  2. International Year 1 :Suitable for Form 6 students, but their scores, subject selection and IELTS scores do not meet the requirements. International Year 1 allows you to complete a degree at a top 50 UK university in 3 years. Please understand the admission requirements of UK universities.
  3. UK Foundation : Suitable for Form 5 or above, if you are short of scores, subject selection and IELTS to study in the UK university of your choice , you can arrange it by paying an extra year of money and time.
  4. UK Top Up Degree :Associate Degree, High Dip graduates go to UK university to study Year 2 or 3.
  5. Pre-Sessional English : If the student only lacks the IELTS score, but has all the other scores and elective subjects required by British universities, this is the most cost-effective option.


FAQs about UK University Courses


Because the course time of British universities is shorter than that of North American universities, and the professional licensed courses are shorter than those in Australia and New Zealand, the tuition fees of British universities are relatively low. Welcome to learn more about:


14% of British universities are ranked in the world's top 100. This percentage is similar to that of universities in other countries. Please take a look at the following, which may be more realistic than the ranking:

  • Russell Group : These 24 British universities have captured 61% of the graduate employment market. If you want to invest 1 million in a British university degree, you must at least have a job?
  • Which subjects in the UK universities are the most profitable? Let's see which subjects in Russell Group will give you a 10-50% annual salary advantage 5 years after graduation?
  • Ranking list of British universities for finding jobs after completing their studies : The British government collects data on university graduates seeking jobs within 6 months of completing their studies. It turns out that a high ranking does not mean that graduates think that the course will help them find jobs!
  • The most cost-effective universities in the UK : Different universities have different advantages in subjects. Take a look at your desired major and see which UK university offers the best value for money?






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