Study Engineering in UK



The British Institute of Engineers qualification is recognized worldwide and has multiple levels. The course threshold does not even require M1. Welcome to inquire with Maxway Education


British Engineer

According to the British government's Shortage Occupation List , there is a long-term shortage of engineering professions, among which electrical engineers have the highest salary.

There are three types of registered engineers in the UK , and they differ in terms of education and work experience.

• Engineering Technician (EngTech) Secondary school graduation

• Incorporated Engineer (IEng) UK registered engineer, 3 years of engineering degree

• Chartered Engineer (CEng) 4 years of MEng or 3 years of engineering degree plus 1 year of engineering master degree

Generally speaking, a Chartered Engineer (CEng) has certain management experience. As for how many years and what type of management experience is required to take the Chartered Engineer (CEng) exam for a certain profession, you need to refer to the websites of various Professional Engineering Institutions or Professional Affiliates . They are responsible for reviewing the qualifications of applicants for engineer licenses. The British engineering license is regulated and set by the Engineering Council .






UK university rankings: Engineering

To study engineering in the UK, you need at least Level 3 in M1. Russell Group universities require Level 5, and some require physics. Engineering Foundation is suitable for Form 5 or Form 6 students who do not have M1 or M2 or have average math scores.

According to the Complete University Guide university rankings , there are 7 engineering majors ranked:

  • Aeronautical & Aerospace Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Manufacturing & Production Engineering
  • General Engineering
  • Chemical engineering
  • Electrical & Electronic Engineering


UK university rankings: Electrical & Electronic Engineering




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