Accommodating Curriculum

In despite of the fact that different Canadian provinces have different graduation requirements for their high school students, no province has public exams that would account for 100% in determining the student’s success.  This explains why the Canadian high school system can accommodate students with different pace and interests.  When a country refuses to measure student’s success quantitatively, school ranking becomes difficult to come by.


World Recognized Education

Canadian universities welcomed qualified students from around the world and within the country.  Most Canadian universities are publicly funded with similar enough admission standards and 1/3 of them are ranked world Top 300. 



Canada has the most affordable tuition and cost of living amongst developed countries.  Canadian high schools cost $150,000 HKD per year and up while universities cost $350,000 HKD per year.


Easy to Immigrate

International students can obtain up to a 3-year work permit upon graduating from a post-secondary education in Canada via the Post Graduate Work Permit Scheme and apply for immigration during this period.  Immigration after studying in Canada is the most cost effective way for those interested due to low opportunity cost and the incumbent is already familiar with Canada.



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