Speech Therapist in UK


For information on UK speech therapist salaries and speech therapy university rankings, please contact Maxway Education.


UK Speech Therapy Courses

20 UK universities have accredited 3-year speech therapy courses or 2-year master's degree speech therapy courses that accept international students.

  • IELTS 7.5
  • IB 29 points or above, DSE 443-554, 544 is the mainstream requirement
  • Only one university in the UK offers a first-year Foundation Speech Therapy course
  • Master of Speech Therapy in the UK: Students only need to have IELTS and a 3rd Hon degree or above in an undergraduate program.

Generally speaking, the speech therapy course in the UK is one year shorter than that in Australia, so it will be at least 30% higher (HK$300,000). The requirements for a master's degree in speech therapy in the UK are easier than in Australia.



British Speech Therapist

The salary of a speech therapist in the UK ranges from 25,000-53,000 GBP. The salary may be similar to that in Hong Kong, but the professional positioning is different.

In the UK, speech therapists need to complete a 3-year speech therapy course or a 2-year master's degree in speech therapy and apply for a license from the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC).

Speech therapy is part of the UK public hospital system and is one of the medical professions with a long-term shortage . Accredited UK speech therapy courses need to include a certain number of hours and compliant internships, as well as continuing education requirements.



Information about British speech therapists



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