NCUK Northern Consortium of UK Universities




NCUK is suitable for students who want to study in 16 famous British universities after Form 5. Please contact Maxway for more information .




NCUK Courses

  • UK Foundation : Students with Form 5 or DSE 2211 level who pass the NCUK Foundation in one year are guaranteed to enter Year 1 of 16 NCUK-sponsored UK universities . The following are NCUK Foundation courses
  • International Year 1 : For Form 6 students, if you pass NCUK International Year 1 , you are guaranteed to enter Year 2 of 16 NCUK-sponsored UK universities in business, law or engineering. Click to jump to the bottom. Below are some of the NCUK International Year 1 with selling points.



NCUK Partner Universities


NCUK Foundation Courses

Students must take English and the following 3 subjects:

  • Mathematics for Business
  • Mathematics for Engineering
  • Mathematics for Science
  • Further Mathematics
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Business Studies
  • Economics
  • Global Studies
  • Society and Politics
  • Art and Design


NCUK International Year 1

After completing NCUK International Year 1 , you can take the following UK universities and choose your subjects for Year 2. The admission requirements are simpler than taking the following UK universities directly and choosing your subjects . The universities themselves do not offer relevant connecting courses, so it is worth considering NCUK.


University of Leeds

Accounting and Finance

  • DSE direct examination University of Leeds Accounting and Finance DSE 555 (including Mathematics)

Electronics and Renewable Energy


The University of Sheffield : Mechanical Engineering


NCUK Related Reading

  • UK Foundation :Understand the different types and tuition fees of UK Foundation and which students need Foundation more?
  • UK university admission requirements : Learn about the IELTS, score and subject requirements of UK universities and see if you need to study Foundation
  • British Universities : 10 Q&As to help you get a comprehensive understanding of British universities
  • UK university subject selection : Want to know which UK university has the Foundation for your desired subject?
  • UK University Rankings : Different UK universities have different score requirements. Your score may not be enough to study Foundation Studies?
  • Tuition fees at British universities : Studying one more year of Foundation requires additional tuition fees. Here are 3 other factors that affect tuition fees that you should know.
  • UK university courses : 6 types of UK university courses, some of which are remedial courses. Even if you have poor grades, secondary school electives or IELTS, you don't have to study Foundation.


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