MPNP Scoring: Expression of Interest (EOI)


Language @ Full score 48-125 points

First language (English or French):

Second language (English or French):

  • CLB 5: 25 points


Age @ 10-75 points:

18-49 years old have points, 45 years old have full points

  • 18 years old 20 minutes
  • 19 years and 30 minutes
  • 20 years old 40 minutes
  • 21 to 45 years old: 75 points
  • 46 years old 40 minutes
  • 47 years and 30 minutes
  • 48 years old 20 minutes
  • 49 years old 10 points
  • 50 years old or above: 0 points


Full-time work experience (30 hours per week, same employer) @40-175 points:

  • 1-4 years of work experience are both available
  • 1 year of work: 40 points
  • 2 years of work: 50 points
  • 3 years of work experience: 60 points
  • 4 years of work experience: 75 points
  • Licensed in the province: 100 points


Education level @ 70- 125 points:

  • The scores for a 3-year diploma and a degree are the same! 110 points
  • Master's or PhD degrees are scored the same! 125 points
  • Two post-secondary courses of at least two years in length with more points than a degree: 115 points
  • 2-year Diploma: 100 points
  • 1-year Canadian course Starting points: 70 points


Adaptability: Each MPNP applicant must have at least one Adaptability score. If there are more than one Adaptability score, the highest score @ 50-500 points will be selected:

  • 6 months or more of work experience in Manitoba: 500 points
  • Close relative in Manitoba: 200 points
  • Worked in Manitoba for 6 months or more: 100 points
  • Completed 2 years of post-secondary courses in Manitoba: 100 points
  • Completed one year of post-secondary courses in Manitoba : 50 points
  • Living outside of Winnipeg: 50 points


Risk assessment ( deduction ) up to -200 points:

  • 100 points will be deducted for work experience or education in other provinces





Contact Method:


Student Information:


*Preferred Country

[Inquiries on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays will generally be replied to the next working day.]