
For more information on tuition fees, return on investment, tuition fees for Canadian citizens vs. international students, and living expenses in Canada for one year, please contact Maxway.


Overview of Study Costs in Canada


Return on investment for Canadian courses


Reading about the cost of studying in Canada

  • Cost of studying and immigrating to Canada : Can you compare the cost of completing your studies or studying and immigrating to Canada through a Canadian college versus going entirely through a Canadian university?


FAQ about tuition fees in Canada

1. How much does it cost to study in Canada? How does it compare to studying in the UK or Australia?

Although the tuition fees at Canadian universities are similar to those at British or Australian universities , it takes 4 years to study at a Canadian university , while a mainstream degree at a British or Australian university takes 3 years.

A Canadian master's degree takes 1-2 years, and a master's degree from a British or Australian university takes the same amount of time, depending on the major.

Canadian high schools are on par with British or Australian high schools :


2. Tuition fees in Canada: Citizens vs International Students?

  • From the tuition fees of Canadian universities, we can understand: the difference in tuition fees between international students and Canadian citizens, and the cheapest and most expensive Canadian universities.


3. How much does it cost to live in Canada per year?

  • HK$60,000-120,000 per year, including tuition, board and lodging, depending on the region


4. How much does it cost to study in Canada? Do I need to provide all the financial proofs for studying in Canada to the consulate at once?


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