BC Colleges: Connecting with Canadian University Requirements



This article contains BC Colleges data and UBC Admissions Director ’s comments on the Canadian college system . Please feel free to contact Maxway for more information .


Canadian College Associate Degree Candidates

  • The 2-year associate degree program is unique to British Columbia and is suitable for high school graduates who want to transfer to Year 3 and 4 of a prestigious university. Since college tuition is lower than university tuition, this method can effectively reduce the cost of a degree by about 20%. For details, please visit Canada Study and Immigration Costs
  • In addition to tuition fees, Canadian colleges have more flexibility in secondary school electives and deadlines than Canadian universities. For details, see Canadian College vs Canadian University
  • Both associate degrees and diplomas can be transferred to university. What are the differences between them? The university level, major, cost, and Canadian immigration arrangements that can be selected from the two programs are different. Welcome to learn more: Compare Canadian College Programs .


Is it possible to go from an associate degree in a Canadian college to a university?

From the following three points, you can see that the reason why BC’s university system is mature and comprehensive is because it is a movement with a history of more than 60 years and involves 38 higher education institutions across the province.

  • 1966: The first batch of students from Vancouver Community College (VCC) and Selkirk College were transferred to universities through an informal connection agreement between higher education institutions.
  • 1990: The first joint agreement was coordinated by the BC government, which detailed the course joint operation between all higher education institutions in the province, meaning that the joint operation between higher education institutions was no longer a coordination at the level of individual institutions, but a matter coordinated by the province.
  • 2000-2001: The BC government coordinated the reform of the associate degree program, requiring all universities in the province to guarantee the recognition of all BC Colleges ' credits, so that students' credits from BC Colleges can be fully transferred to universities. At the same time, the provincial government launched an online credit transfer evaluation form, allowing students to understand the possibility of transferring their credits from BC Colleges to universities in the province in the fastest and least correspondence way.


Which BC Colleges send the most students to UBC, Simon Fraser University and University of Victoria?

There are 10 government Canadian community colleges in British Columbia , and 6,000 students are transferred from BC Colleges to British Columbia universities or colleges every year. The BC Colleges with the largest number of transfer students are:


What is the average GPA for students who successfully transferred from BC colleges to UBC, Simon Fraser University and University of Victoria?


Students who transfer from BC Colleges to universities are not well-off to begin with, so they can’t even study there?


Related readings about BC Colleges

  • Popular courses for studying and immigrating to Canada : You may not know what major you want to study. Here are the most profitable majors for different academic levels. Welcome to learn more
  • Cost of studying in Canada : When you see the difference in tuition between a Canadian college and a Canadian university, you will understand why you can save tuition by going through a college to a university.
  • Canadian schools : All BC Colleges have completed an associate degree and 60 credits in 2 years, which can be transferred to universities in the province. The list of schools is in the link


BC Colleges FAQ


1. Only BC Colleges offer associate degrees. Can other Canadian college programs lead to university?

Only BC Colleges have an Associate Degree program. If you want to apply for Canadian PR through BC PNP provincial nomination after completing it , you will get points. Other Canadian colleges ' university-based programs are collectively called Diplomas.


2. In addition to linking university data, how do we choose BC Colleges?

Popular immigration courses for studying in Canada , the most profitable Canadian university courses : Do you know which majors are profitable and easy to study and immigrate to Canada ?


3. I have passing grades at community college but not the grades required to attend a BC university, what do I do?

There are 2 methods:

a) Go to other BC universities with more flexible academic requirements, or even consider whether the BC College you are currently attending has a suitable undergraduate program that can accept your existing credits?

b) Taking additional credits or retaking certain credits to improve grades:

  • Students can only transfer 60 credits from BC colleges to universities in BC, so if you take 3 more credits, the low score will not be counted in the GPA of the transferred university;
  • Whether I should retake a course or take additional credits depends on whether the course you failed is a core requirement or electives. Core requirements must be retaken, otherwise you can take additional credits.

Comparing the two options, Option 2 takes more time. If you need to retake more than 5 subjects to significantly improve your GPA, and you want to avoid delaying graduation, Option 1 is more practical. Of course, it is more practical to manage your grades well while studying at the community college.


4. I want to transfer to UBC, but every year there are thousands of Year 3 drop outs for one BC college to accept a transfer student?

This is a complete fallacy! UBC Deputy Registrar Andrew Arida said that they accept students from community colleges because their system allows it. Every year, 25% of UBC's new students are transferred from BC colleges . This number is the same whether there are dropouts or not!


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